SCM Utilities

exception workspace.scm.SCMError

SCM command failed

workspace.scm.all_branches(repo=None, remotes=False, verbose=False)

Returns all branches. The first element is the current branch.


Return all remotes with default remote as the 1st

workspace.scm.checkout_branch(branch, repo_path=None)

Checks out the branch in the given or current repo. Raises on error.

  • branch (str) – Branch to checkout. It can be a branch name or remote/branch combo. if remote is provided, it will always set upstream to upstream_remote() regardless of the downstream remote, as we always want to track downstream changes to the upstream remote.
  • repo_path (str) – Path to repo to run checkout in. Defaults to current.
workspace.scm.checkout_files(files, repo_path=None)

Checks out the given list of files. Raises on error.

workspace.scm.checkout_product(product_url, checkout_path)

Checks out the product from url. Raises on error


Commits any modified or new files with given message. Raises on error

workspace.scm.create_branch(branch, from_branch=None)

Creates a branch from the current branch. Raises on error

workspace.scm.default_remote(repo=None, remotes=None)

Default remote to take action against, such as push

workspace.scm.extract_commit_msgs(output, is_git=True)

Returns a list of commit msgs from the given output.


Check if we are inside of a project.


Check if we are inside of a git repo.


Returns the parent branch if available, otherwise None


Product repos for the current workspace.


Return the project path with tox.ini by looking at the current dir and its parent dirs.

workspace.scm.remove_branch(branch, raises=False, remote=False, force=False)

Removes branch


Return the git repo path with .git by looking at current dir and its parent dirs.

workspace.scm.repo_url(path=None, name='origin', action='push')
  • path (str) – Local repo path
  • source (str) – Remote name
  • action (str) – Action for the corresponding URL

Remote url for repo or None if not found


Returns a list of repos either for the given directory or current directory or in sub-directories.

workspace.scm.update_repo(path=None, quiet=False)

Updates given or current repo to HEAD

workspace.scm.upstream_remote(repo=None, remotes=None)

Upstream remote to track against


Guess the workspace path based on if we are in a repo or not.